The mind of the unregenerate man continues to say, “Vanity
of vanities, all is vanity.” Today’s reading unveils the desperation
and frustration which permeates the heart and spirit of this “man
under the sun.” It is no wonder that an unsaved man becomes an
alcoholic, a drug addict, or commits suicide. The unsaved man is
described in the New Testament as being “without God and without
hope in this world.” To add insult to injury, the unsaved man lives
a life of hell on earth and then dies and spends eternity in a
literal hell under the earth.

God is not the author of discouragement. He is the God of
all encouragement. When you become despondent, it is because you
have lost fellowship with Christ and are no longer tapping the
limitless resources of God. Discouragement is the opposite of faith.
Faith believes that God can do all He says. Discouragement accepts
the circumstances and environment, in spite of what God says. There
are times when everything looks dark to us. Adversity comes and our
hearts become heavy. But remember, “All things work together for
good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to
his purpose.”

In chapter 11 Solomon plants some good advice among all his
words of discouragement. “Cast thy bread upon the waters” is a
principle of the Christian life. Giving our all to God is essential
to Christian growth. Absolute surrender and abandonment to the will
of God always brings the blessings of heaven.

After 11 chapters of frustration, Solomon finally arrives at
the ultimate for successful living. Having explored everything this
world has to offer, he ultimately discovers that the life of man is
designed for the pleasure of God. He therefore suggests to all young
people the importance of remembering God in the days of their youth.
Solomon describes the Christian life from youth to old age in
chapter 12. He eventually determines that our highest calling is to
reverence God and obey His Word.