Today’s reading forms what is commonly called Volume Four of
the writings of Isaiah. This volume is often referred to as the Book
of Judgment and Promise. These chapters form a continuous prophecy
on the subject of judgment in the Day of the Lord, with blessing

Chapter 24 is a vision of world convulsions and seems to
relate to the same period that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24. Isaiah
says that the earth would fall and not rise again (verse 20); then
later he looks beyond to a “new heavens and new earth,” as we will
see in chapters 65 and 66.

Chapter 25 is looking forward to the time of Israel’s praise
for kingdom blessing. In verses 1-5 the delivered nation praises the
Lord. In verse 1 Israel praises her Lord for His miraculous
deliverances, and in verses 2 and 3 He is praised because He has
punished Israel’s enemies. His help of the poor and needy is praised
in verses 4 and 5. Isaiah seems to have transported himself beyond
the clash of worlds into the age of the new heavens and the new
earth, and put into the mouth of the redeemed a song of praise to
God for His wonderful works. Most wonderful of all is the
destruction of death (verse 8). This is referring to the
resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Blessings for all nations are
described in verses 6-8, and in verses 10-12 the enemies of Israel
are judged.

Chapter 26 is a song of trust and triumph. It is probably
Judah’s millennial song, with praise for the Lord’s faithfulness and
mercies given in verses 1-6. Verse 19 gives assurance of the bodily
resurrection of the righteous Old Testament saints, and verses 20
and 21 give us a glimpse of the divine indignation of the Day of the
Lord. Verse 21 summarizes the judgment events of Revelation 6:1–

Chapter 27:1 records the destruction of Israel’s enemies. In
verses 2-9 the Lord’s care for His own, even in chastening, is
indicated under the figure of a vineyard, with Israel hereafter
flourishing, after the chastenings are over. In verses 10 and 11
Israel’s enemies are destroyed, totally and finally; and the return
of the remnant is recorded in verses 12 and 13.