Chapter 3 covers the miracle of the crossing of the Jordan
River. In it we see the people sanctified (verses 1-5); Joshua
magnified (verses 6-8); the Lord glorified (verses 9-13); and the
Word verified (verses 14-17).
The Ark of the Covenant symbolized the presence of God. It
went before the people to lead them, and it was kept in the midst of
the river until all the nation passed over. Christ always goes
before His people and opens the way, but the people had to sanctify
themselves and be ready, for God was going to lead them in a new way
(verse 4).
Two memorials are built in chapter 4–one by the twelve
chosen men on the bank of the river, and the other by Joshua in the
midst of the river. They were to be memorials of the crossing. The
twelve stones on the bank of the Jordan came out of the midst of the
river (verse 8), as evidence that God did part the waters and take
His people safely across. The twelve hidden stones in the midst of
the river could be seen only by God, but they also spoke of Israel’s
wonderful crossing.
The main lesson of these chapters is that there can be no
conquest without death to self (crossing the Jordan) and
identification with Christ’s resurrection (the two memorials of
stone). Before the Jews could gain victory over the enemy, they had
to experience victory over sin and self (circumcision). Before we,
as Christians, can enjoy a victorious Christian life we must put
away sin of the flesh and allow God to completely control our lives.