Caleb was a man of spiritual vision as well as spiritual
vitality; and these two qualities led to spiritual victory.

Caleb’s nephew Othniel helped him in one of his conquests
and gained Caleb’s daughter for his wife. Othniel later became the
first Judge of Israel and thus carried on the family leadership. It
is wonderful when a man of faith can influence others and help them
share in the inheritance.

Caleb’s daughter illustrates a wonderful spiritual truth in
chapter 15:18,19. After her marriage to Othniel, she returns to her
father to ask for a further blessing! Caleb had given her a field,
but she also wanted the springs of water to nourish the field. It is
wonderful when the Christian continues to ask the Father for greater
blessings, and it is especially wonderful when the believer desires
the “spiritual springs” that water the fruitful life. The field that
God gives us will never produce fruit, apart from the springs of
water (John 7:37-39).

In our reading today, Joshua continues to apportion the
land. Ephraim’s portion is covered in chapter 16 and Manasseh’s in
chapter 17.