MAY 13
Jehoshaphat reigned as king of Judah for some 25 years, from
874 to 850 b.c. He is an example of one who sought the Lord in all
things and because of it was a very great king. He sent priests and
Levites on regular circuits, teaching the Book of the Law to the
people. He established courts of justice throughout the land and
maintained a vast army. He made one serious mistake by allying
himself with Ahab. We touched on this briefly yesterday. However,
Jehoshaphat did not wilt under the rebuking of Jehu, but rather
learned a lesson and became stronger than ever before in the Lord.
He had faith in the power of prayer, as we can see in chapter 20:1-
13. His prayer was that the Lord would deliver them from the Moab-
Ammon invasion. God granted his request and Judah triumphed over the
invading armies. Notice Jehoshaphat’s confidence in chapter 20:20 as
he spoke to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, “Believe in the Lord your
God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye
Throughout the history of Israel, when God’s leaders led the
people to follow the Word of the Lord, they always prospered. It is
still true today! When Christians follow God’s leadership, He will
reward them, He will bless them, and He will prosper them. God says,
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own
understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct
thy paths.” Won’t you join with me today in claiming this verse
anew, committing every thought, word, and deed to God and His
leadership? He promises to bless us, and He has never failed to keep
His promise.