MAY 28

In the remaining chapters of Esther another feast is
recorded. This feast could be called the feast of remembering. Once
Haman was out of the way, peace reigned in the palace. Mordecai was
given the authority once held by Haman, and now everyone knew Esther
was a Jewish woman.

The feast of Purim is instituted in chapter 9, and in
chapter 10 the continual greatness of Xerxes and the power of
Mordecai are recounted. Mordecai’s fame went forth throughout all
the provinces. He had been faithful over a few things and God
magnified not only his name, but his position.

We now begin a study of the Book of Job. Most Bible readers
tend to avoid this book, with the exception, perhaps, of the first
two chapters and the last chapter. These chapters are quite
dramatic, but the rest of the book appears to be a collection of
long speeches, and the conversation never seems to get any place.
However, a careful reading of the Book of Job will reveal to us that
it is very modern in its language and its message deals with the
problems believers have faced since the beginning of time.

As we study this book we need to keep the following facts in
mind. First, this is an Oriental book, filled with the thoughts and
expressions of eastern people. Second, it is a poetical book, except
for chapters 1, 2, and 42:7-12; and Hebrew poetry is not at all like
our poetry. Third, this book wrestles with a difficult problem–why
God permits the righteous to suffer. These three characteristics may
make this book difficult to read and interpret. But it should not be

Job was not a fictional character. He was a real man in
history. He was a godly man, very wealthy, and had a sincere concern
for the needs of others.

In today’s reading we see Job’s distress. The land of Uz was
probably in what we would know today as Arabia. The greatest man in
all the east lived there; his name was Job. In chapter 1:1-5 we see
his prosperity. He was a very rich man–in character, family, and
possessions. In verses 6-11 we see Satan’s first accusation and
attack against him, and his second attack is recorded in chapter
2:1-13. The important thing for us to remember in these attacks is
that Job never lost faith in God. No matter how severe the attack
from Satan, Job’s faith remained unwavering.