Chapter 16:31 records the simplest Gospel
message that can ever be preached to mankind. The
setting was in a Philippian jail where Paul and Silas
were being held prisoners. The time was Midnight, when
there was suddenly a great earthquake. The foundation of
the prison was shaken, and the doors were opened. The
keeper of the prison was awakened from sleep and was
about to kill himself, for he was afraid the prisoners
had escaped. Paul called to him and told him not to harm
himself. Then Paul and Silas presented the simple
message of salvation to the jailer.

That simple message still rings down through the
ages, and is just as effective and powerful today as it
was the night of the great earthquake. That message is,
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be
saved.” Why is this message so simple? Why is salvation
so simple? Because Christ has paid the penalty for sin.
He is the complete and final payment; and, when a person
who has never believed in Christ–whether it be a
Philippian jailer, a drunkard, a harlot, or a good moral
man–takes that step of faith, he becomes a part of
God’s family, for now and throughout the ages of

In chapter 17 Paul is on his second missionary
journey and visits three different cities. Each of them
had a different reaction to the Gospel. In Thessalonica,
a busy city on the main road to Rome, some Jews
believed; many Greeks believed, many of the chief women
believed; but there was opposition to the Word. In
Berea, which was 40 miles from Thessalonica, the Word
was gladly received. In Athens, which was a very proud
and independent city whose god was nature, the Word was
mocked. Unfortunately, these same three attitudes toward
the Gospel still exist today. Some openly oppose the
Word, some mock the Word, and some do believe and
receive the Word. We, as Christians, cannot control the
results as we give out the Word, but we should follow
Paul’s example and be faithful servants. In Galatians
6:9 we have this promise: “And let us not be weary in
well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint