Chapter 3:21-31 defines “justification.” It
means to be declared righteous in the eyes of God; not
through the merits of self, but through the merits of
Christ. It could be explained as, “Just as if I had
never sinned.” Justification is God’s righteousness
imputed to man’s account. We must remember that
justification comes freely by God’s grace; not by works,
good intentions, gifts, or prayers–but freely, by the
grace of God, through our Lord and Saviour, Jesus
Chapter 4 is one that should be mastered by all.
It illustrates how God justifies ungodly people through
the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We
see again in verses 1-8 that justification is not by
works; and in verses 9-17 that it is not by law–but by
grace. Paul very wisely uses the illustration of Abraham
in describing justification. Abraham’s justification was
not by works, but because he believed God (see Genesis
Today, just as in years gone by, mankind is
seeking peace. Chapter 5:1 tells us how we can have the
peace the world is seeking. “Therefore being justified
by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus
Christ.” In this chapter we also read of how sin entered
into the world. Read verse 12 very carefully. It tells
us that by one man (Adam) sin entered into the world,
and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for
that all have sinned. In chapter 3:23 we read that all
have sinned and come short of the glory of God. And
chapter 6:23 notes that the wages of sin is death; but*
the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our
Lord. Chapter 5:8 tells us, “But God commendeth his love
toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ
died for us.” When He died on the cross, the wages of
sin were paid. When man, by faith, believes and receives
the atonement of Jesus, sin is no longer imputed to him,
but he is born-again by the grace of God. What a blessed
truth we, as Christians, can share with a lost and dying
world! Christ came into the world, lived a perfect and
sinless life, and then died on the cross that all who
believe in Him might have everlasting life.