The name Hosea means “salvation.” Hosea
preached in the Northern Kingdom (Israel), during a
period of national decline. When Hosea began his
ministry, Jeroboam II was king and it was a time of
great prosperity. But the nation began to decline
rapidly within, after getting involved with foreign
alliances, and trusting them to lead and protect them,
rather than trusting God. Hosea lived to see Israel,
also called Ephraim in this book, taken captive by the
Assyrians in 721 b.c. For historical background
concerning the Book of Hosea, read II Kings 15–17.

Hosea’s message to the nation of Israel was one
that exposed their sins and warned them of a coming
judgment, but there is also a message of hope for their
future. The unique thing about Hosea’s message is that
he had to live it himself before he could preach it to
the people. He experienced deep agony in his own life
because of the sins of his wife. However, all of this
was divinely sent as a lesson to him and to the people
of Israel.

In chapters 1–3 we are given an illustration
of the unfaithfulness of the nation of Israel. Hosea
was commanded of God to marry a harlot named Gomer.
After bearing him three children she left him. Of
course, Hosea’s heart was broken, but God told him to
go find his wayward wife and bring her back. He
discovered her being sold on the slave market and
bought her. He assured her of his forgiveness and love,
and we have every reason to believe that she repented
of her sins and became a faithful wife.

Gomer was a picture of Israel’s unfaithfulness
to the Lord. The nation had married the Lord in Exodus
34:14-16, and should have remained faithful to Him. But
instead they lusted after sin, committed adultery, and
worshiped false gods.