Nahum wrote concerning the future destruction of
Nineveh. The book was written at a time when Assyria
was at the very peak of her power. No man would have
dreamed that mighty Nineveh would fall! But God knows
the future, and He gave His message to Nahum to deliver
to the frightened people of Judah. This was not a
message of warning to Nineveh; they had heard God’s
warning from Jonah 150 years before. Now God’s patience
was running out and His judgment would fall.
The message of this book is one of hope for
Judah–to encourage them to trust God in an hour of
great danger. Each chapter tells us something about God
and about the fall of the city. In chapter 1 we see
that God is a jealous God, and that Nineveh will fall;
in chapter 2 we see that God will judge the city, and
that Nineveh’s fall will be great. Then, in chapter 3,
we see that His great judgment against the city is
just, because Nineveh had been warned. She deserved the
judgment that fell upon her.
The theme of the Book of Habakkuk could be,
“Living by faith.” The problem facing Habakkuk was one
of wondering why God would allow injustice and violence
throughout the land and do nothing about it. The wicked
were prospering, while the righteous were suffering,
and nothing was being done about it.
In chapter 1 Habakkuk wonders about the silence
and inactivity of God. He was puzzled as he looked out
across the world of that day and saw injustice,
violence, strife, and contention. The whole nation was
suffering because of the evils of the government. God
told Habakkuk that He was working a work that would
amaze him; that He would raise up the Chaldeans to
conquer the nation and be His instrument to chastise
the people.
In chapter 2 Habakkuk is watching and waiting.
He had not become an atheist or agnostic. Rather, he
went to his watchtower and began to pray, meditate, and
wait on the Lord. God gave Habakkuk three wonderful
assurances to encourage and strengthen him during those
difficult days. First, in chapter 2:4 He says, “The
just shall live by faith.” I sincerely believe this is
one of the most important verses in the Bible. It forms
the text for three New Testament books–Romans,
Galatians, and Hebrews. In verse 14 He says,
“For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of
the glory of the Lord.” We know this promise is yet
future. There are still the same sins of greediness,
covetousness, murder, drunkenness, and idolatry in our
world today as were found in verses 5-19, but the
promise of God still stands. His glory shall one day
fill this earth, for Jesus Christ will return and put
down all sin and establish His righteous Kingdom.
In verse 20 God says, “The Lord is in his holy
temple.” God was and is still on the throne.
In summary, the Book of Habakkuk shows us how
to deal with life’s problems. We must first learn to
honestly admit that there are problems. We must talk to
God about them; wait quietly before Him in prayer and
meditation of His Word; and then, when He speaks, we
must listen and obey.