Bible Believers Verses The BBF

Bible Believers

vs. the BBF

The official paper of the BBF, The Baptist Tribune, has been encouraging people to buy material from a man we call “Hot Dog Hymers” in California, and from Gary Hudson in Florida. Both of these upstarts decided to play “scholar” and take on the “big, bad wolf,” Ruckman, and make an issue out of a word which was coined by Bob Jones Jr. and Bob Jones III back in the 1960’s–“Ruckmanism” (meaning anybody who believed the Bible was a higher authority than Christian education).

We thought you might be interested in how a Bible believer responds to the BBF bombardment: “Thank you for your encouraging letter. Your efforts, including this one, always gives my husband and I a spiritual lift. You need not feel compelled to answer all of our letters since you are about the only preacher that writes to us that actually has more important things to do–unlike Gary Hudson and his gang. But when you do feel expedient to reply, we appreciate it. My husband is still laughing hysterically about the part where you said ‘I’m afraid you are going to get bombarded from all sides once you have shown an interest.’ As you know from his letters, he has been receiving assorted junk from Hymers, Waite, and Hudson. He is laughing about how easy it has been to lambast their peashooter bombardment. Waite sent a newsletter but never answered his rebuttal of it. Hymers dropped out after one rebutt, but a certified mail challenge to his $1000 sweepstakes prompted one more reply. Four letters to Curtis Hutson explaining why we wouldn’t renew our subscriptions or send money have received no answer, only more pleas for support. Only Gary Hudson continues to write, and he has evaded anything of substance. WE EXPECTED MORE FROM THESE SCHOLARS THAN COMICAL ENTERTAlNMENT. I keep telling my husband to quit wasting time with these screwballs, but after a hard day’s work, he wants the opportunity for some leisurely relaxation, so he continues to entice them.”

And there is the typical Bible believing response from a real Bible believer who holds the Bible to be a higher authority than Fundamentalist scholars and Christian educators.