Grains Dutch Sidedish 12 Servings


3/4 lb (12 slices) bacon diced
3 md Onions chopped
1 ts Garlic powder
1/2 ts Dry mustard
1/2 c Firmly packed brown sugar
1/3 c Cider vinegar
1/4 c Ketchup
1 cn (15.5 oz) Green Giant/Joan Arc Light Red kidney beans, drained
1 cn (15 oz) butter beans; drained
2 cn (16 oz) Baked style beans


Heat over 350 In dutch oven, cook & stir bacon & onion till bacon crisp and
onion tender. Drain. Add remaining ingridients and mix well. Bake uncovered
350 60-70 minutes or until hot & bubbly.
12 1/2    cup servings
From: Pillsbury Classic Cookbooks Barbecue and Fixins 1991 Posted to
Bakery-Shoppe Digest V1 #212 by rodney3@juno.com (Rodney G Grantham) on Sep
1, 1997

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