Almighty God, the Father and Maker of
all things, whose goodness has ushered me
into the mystery of my present being, and
whose blessed providence has watched over
me ever since I was born and hung upon my
mother’s breast; I praise and magnify Thy
glorious Name for this Thy great goodness
towards me; most humbly beseeching Thee
that I may be taught to number my days, and
apply my heart unto wisdom: that I may know
to what end I was born, and had both body
and life given me, even to serve Thee, the liv-
ing God: that I may bewail my sinful years
past, and spend the rest of my time here in a
godly, righteous, and sober life: that as I
have now finished _______ years of my life
here by Thy favor, so I may continue and
finish up the remainder of my allotted days
in Thy fear; and that as Thou didst, as on
this day, give me being to live here a little
time, so Thou mayest at the last day give me
an entrance into Thy heavenly kingdom, to
live with Thee for ever and ever: through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Almighty and everlasting God, in whose
hands are life and death, by whose will all
things are created, and by whose providence
they are sustained; I, Thine unworthy ser-
vant, return Thee most humble and hearty
thanks that Thou hast given me life, and con-
tinued it to this time: that Thou hast hitherto
forborne to snatch me away in the midst of
sin and folly, and hast permitted me still to
enjoy the means of grace, and dost still call
me to repentance. Grant, merciful Lord,
that Thy call may not be in vain, that my
life may not continue to increase my guilt and
aggravate my account, and that Thy gracious
forbearance may not harden my heart in wick-
edness, so that in the end it had been better
that I had not been born! Let me remember,
my God, that as days and years pass over
me, I approach nearer to the grave, where
there is no repentance; and grant that, by the
assistance of thy Holy Spirit, I may so pass
through this life, that I may obtain life ever-
lasting: through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.