Bites And Stings

  • BITES AND STINGS =====================

Animal Bites

Animal bites can be dangerous because of the risk of rabies. If you are bitten by dog, raccoon, squirrel, or other animal, follow these steps:

  1. Seek medical help immediately.
  2. Watch closely for signs of shock.
  3. Scrub the wound with soap, and rinse thoroughly with running water.
  4. Place a clean bandage on the wound.
  5. Try to locate the animal so that the authorities can test it for rabies.

Spiders and Scorpions

Spiders and scorpions can be serious. Watch out especially for these three:

  • Black widow spiders are easily recognized by the red hourglass marking on the abdomen.
  • The brown recluse or fiddleback spider has a violin-shaped marking on the head and back of the brownish or yellowish body.
  • The scorpion is reddish-brown, two or three inches long, and has several pairs of legs with strong pincers at the front and a curled up tail with a stinger at the tip.

If you are bitten,

  1. Lie down.
  2. Do not walk.
  3. Have someone call for medical assistance.
  4. Apply cold packs to the wounds.
  5. Keep the bitten area immobile and lower than your heart.

Wasps, Bees, Yellow Jackets, and Hornets

If you are bitten by a stinging insect,

  1. Apply a paste of meat tenderizer, soda, or calamine lotion.
  2. Wash the area with antibacterial soap.
  3. Apply a cool compress with a washcloth.
  4. Don’t scratch the area.
  5. To remove the stinger scrape the skin lightly. Don’t pinch or use tweezers.
  6. Apply ice packs to reduce swelling.
  7. If the area becomes infected, see a doctor.


To avoid mosquito bites, don’t wear strong cosmetics, perfume, or white or very bright clothing. Use a good insect repellent, preferably one that contains “DEET.”


The Texas area is home to water moccasins, rattlesnakes, and coral snakes. If bitten by one of these poisonous snakes or a snake that you cannot identify,

  1. Apply a light tourniquet (a rubberband) above the wound.
  2. Keep the area below the level of the heart.
  3. Do not remove the band or apply ice.
  4. Splint the area to prevent movement.
  5. Go as quickly as possible to the emergency room.
  6. Take the snake to the emergency room if possible for identification.