Spanish 1 Servings


1/2 lb Blackeyed peas water to
2 T Water, broth or other
sauteing liquid
1 Spanish onion, coarsely
1 Carrot, sliced
1 Stalk celery, sliced
2 Cloves garlic, pressed or
finely chopped
8 c Low-salt veg. broth
1 c Dry white wine
1 t Dried thyme, I used a
heaping tsp.
1/2 t Red pepper flakes, or
less/more to taste
2 Bay leaves
3/4 lb Kale, strip leaves from
stems and chop pretty
finelydiscard stems up
to 1


Put blackeyed peas in a pot with the water and bring to a boil.  Reduce
heat to medium and cook until needed in this recipe. Cook  onion,
carrot, celery and garlic, covered, over low heat in sauteing  liquid
until tender, about 20 minutes. Add broth, wine, and spices  and bring
to a boil. Drain and rinse beans and add to soup pot.  Reduce heat and
simmer, partially covered, for 2 hours. Add chopped  kale, stir, and
cook 45 minutes. Salt to taste.  Posted to fatfree digest by "Felicia
K. Wdowiak"  <feliciakw@earthlink.net> on Nov 01, 1998, converted by
MM_Buster  v2.0l.

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Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 2899
Calories From Fat: 1923
Total Fat: 213.2g
Cholesterol: 636mg
Sodium: 1298.6mg
Potassium: 2639.3mg
Carbohydrates: 28.2g
Fiber: 11.3g
Sugar: 8.3g
Protein: 168.5g

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