Vegetables, Dairy Vegetarian Veg3, Vegetarian 4 Servings


6 oz Wholemeal flour
3 oz Dairy-free margarine
1/2 t Salt
2 T Cold water
3 t Fresh lemon juice
1 lb Broccoli/calabrese
1 oz Wholemeal flour
1 oz Dairy-free margarine
1 pn Ground white pepper
1 t English mustard
2 pt Oat milk
1 t Fresh lemon juice
2 Rounded tbsp ground almonds
1 Pinches grated nutmeg
1 T Flaked or chopped almonds


Roll out and line an 8 inch flan case with the pastry. Line with a
piece of baking parchment, and cover with ceramic cooking beans or  dry
rice. Cook for 15 minutes at 200øC/400øF/Gas Mark 6. Remove  from the
oven and cool for a few minutes before removing the ceramic  beans and
parchment.  Wash and trim broccoli and cut into even florets. Either
place in a  steamer with lid over boiling water for a few minutes until
tender,  or place in a small amount of boiling water in a pan and boil
for  about 4 minutes only. Drain, refresh under cold running water and
drain again. Put the flour, margarine, pepper, mustard and oatmilk
into a pan over a medium heat, and whisk everything together and cook
for 2 minutes to make a thick sauce.  Take the pan off the heat, add
the lemon juice, ground almonds and  nutmeg and stir well. Place the
broccoli florets evenly into the  empty flan case, pour on the sauce,
and sprinkle the almonds on. Bake  for a further 15 minutes as before.
Serve with grilled tomatoes and  runner beans, or a beetroot and apple
salad with watercress. Do not  freeze.  Converted by MC_Buster.
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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“God: He holds the future…”

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 907
Calories From Fat: 433
Total Fat: 49.4g
Cholesterol: 5.4mg
Sodium: 604.8mg
Potassium: 957.6mg
Carbohydrates: 123.7g
Fiber: 5.7g
Sugar: 112.1g
Protein: 8g

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