
  • Burns ==============================

First Degree

First degree burns, which everyone experiences at some time, are usually caused by sunburn, scalding, or contact with hot objects.

  1. To relieve the pain, apply cold water.
  2. Do not apply ointments or fats.
  3. If the burn is extensive, see a doctor.

Second Degree

Second degree burns are most often caused by very deep sunburns, contact with hot liquids, and flash burns from gasoline or kerosene. The skin is usually blistered.

  1. Keep air from the wound by applying cold water or by covering it with a wet dressing under plastic.
  2. DO NOT break the blisters.
  3. Do not use any type of ointment or home remedy.
  4. Seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Third Degree

Third degree burns are the most serious. They are caused by contact with fire, immersion in scalding water, and electricity. The skin appears white or charred.

  1. Call an ambulance immediately.
  2. DO NOT remove adhered particles of clothing.
  3. Do not apply ointments.
  4. Cover the burned area with a sterile dressing.
  5. If the victim’s hands are involved, keep them higher than his heart. Also elevate burned feet or legs.
  6. Don’t allow the victim to walk.