Can You Solve The Riddle Of The

Can you solve the RIDDLE of the cross?

Take that phrase, “2000 years ago – OR TODAY?” Provocative, isn’t it? How would you explain its meaning? While you are considering, observe this:

” A man was crucified 2000 years ago. That isn’t so startling, many died that way in those times. However, this Man arose after being pronounced dead – and buried! Wow!

That was so shaking it split the calendar! Ever since then, time has been divided into B.C. and A.D. With that feat, Jesus Christ was certified as the Son of God and the Saviour of the world.

But what has the cross to do with us today? This. The One Who died there is alive right now. Men can meet Him and invite Him into their hearts and lives. And when they do, it is a fabulous experience!

There is a world of difference between a historical event 2000 years ago and a personal experience today. One has the power to cut time in half, but the other has the power to save you and me from hell. That death, you see, was for our sins. And when we receive Christ as our personal Saviour, He removes forever the guilt of sin and prepares us to meet God without fear. That is the grandest experience of life!

  • Have you had this experience? And if not, would you know how? That’s why this note is in your hands. Here is the Lord’s offer in black and white:

“Behold I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I WILL COME IN. . .”*

That door is the door of your heart. Just as you would answer the knock of a friend at your home, so can you open your heart to Christ! Millions can testify He does come in.

  • Want to test it? Good. Get alone some place and say to Him. “Come into my heart, dear Lord and make yourself real to me.” He will. Instantly you will know your sins are forgiven and you are ready to meet God.

I see I’ve given away the riddle. So now you know. what happened 2000 years ago as a shock to history, can take place in your life today – as a personal experience! Have this experience and you will be able to answer the most urgent question God asks on Judgment Day, “What did you do with my Son, Jesus?”

How exciting! Imagine being able to relax and say,

“He’s my PERSONAL Saviour!”

*Rev. 3:20

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