BASIC R.C. BELIEF The beeswax used in candles typifies the purity of Christ. Candles are used in every Mass, and are blessed at a special ceremony on February 2 (Candlemas). Votive candles, which do not have to be made of beeswax, are used for devotion to a saint, who intercedes as long as the candle remains lit.
From EXTERNALS OF THE CATHIOLIC CHURCH, Msgr. O’Sullivan, page 253,4. “The wax, being spotless, represents Christ’s most spotless Body, the wick enclosed in it is the image of His soul, while the glowing flame typified the Divine nature united with the human in One Divine Person.
Fromn SACRAMENTALS, Knights of Columbus, page 26. “Ancient auithors, pagan as well as Christian, considered beeswax a symbol of purity because of its clean, fresh appearance.”
From SACRAMENTALS, Catholic Information Center. “One lights a candle, says a prayer and leaves, but the candle goes on burning. It is a living thing consuming itself in honor of God or one of His saints. It seems to say, `I continue the prayer of the one who lit me.’ While we are about our everyday duties, it stands before God as a sign of our good intention.”
Scripture used to justify candles is Acts 20:8.
POST VATICAN II “In all liturgical celebrations, candles are required to express reverence and to indicate various degrees of solemnity” (GENERAL INSTRUCTION ON ROMAN MISSAL, Vatican II, 3/70).
CHRISTIAN COMMENT In the TV production of THE GODFATHER, a character went into the church, lit a candle, and then went out to murder a man.