Bible Reading: SEP22: Amos 6-9
Chapter 6:1-7 is a warning about self-indulgences. The people were self-secure and were depending upon themselves and their riches. Amos gives solemn warning that they must turn from those things…
Chapter 6:1-7 is a warning about self-indulgences. The people were self-secure and were depending upon themselves and their riches. Amos gives solemn warning that they must turn from those things…
Amos wrote his book about 25 years before the fall of Israel. In it we are visiting the city of Bethel, where King Jeroboam II has his private chapel, and…
Hosea's message grew out of personal heartbreak in his own family, while Joel's message grew out of national calamity. Joel's book records two plagues--that of the locusts and the terrible…
In today's reading Israel's restoration is promised. The Book of Hosea does not end on a note of gloom, but Hosea sees the future glory of the nation of Israel.…
As we continue our reading in the Book of Hosea, we see that this great man of God was a master preacher. He pictures the spiritual condition of the people…
The name Hosea means "salvation." Hosea preached in the Northern Kingdom (Israel), during a period of national decline. When Hosea began his ministry, Jeroboam II was king and it was…
Chapters 9--12 contain some of the most detailed prophecies in the Bible, most of which have already been fulfilled. Even though chapter 9 was included in yesterday's reading, I would…
Chapters 7 and 8 actually take place prior to chapter 5. Remember that Belshazzar's father, Nabonidus, was actually king of Babylon, the Empire, and Belshazzar was his coregent in the…
Some 20 years passed between chapters 4 and 5, and King Nebuchadnezzar moved off the scene. He was succeeded by a son who reigned just a few years and was…
The fiery furnace incident is thought to have occurred in the 18th year of Nebuchadnezzar's reign, after Daniel and his three friends had been in Babylon about 20 years. Just…