Bible Reading: SEP02: Ezekiel 16-17
The idolatry of Jerusalem is seen in chapter 16. The allegory here is that of the faithless wife. She had turned away from God and committed adultery with other gods.…
The idolatry of Jerusalem is seen in chapter 16. The allegory here is that of the faithless wife. She had turned away from God and committed adultery with other gods.…
In chapter 12 Ezekiel moves his household goods. This is another symbolic action to emphasize Jerusalem's coming captivity. It contains an amazing detailed prophecy of Zedekiah's fate; his secret flight;…
AUGUST 31 A year and two months after his call, Ezekiel was transported, in rapture, to Jerusalem, where God showed him the abhorrent idolatries being practiced in the Temple. Thus,…
AUGUST 30 The Book of Ezekiel is divided into three obvious sections, following the prophet's call in chapters 1--3. (1) God's judgment on Jerusalem (chapters 4--24); (2) God's judgment on…
AUGUST 29 Ezekiel was a prophet of the captivity. He was carried to Babylon in 597 b.c., eleven years before Jerusalem was destroyed. He was the son of a Zadokite…
AUGUST 28 In chapter 3 we see the heart-cry of a chastened people. In chapter 4 we see the horrors of the siege, and the fall of the city of…
AUGUST 27 Jeremiah wrote the Book of Lamentations. The last chapter of the Book of Jeremiah should be read as an introduction to this book. A fitting prefix to the…
AUGUST 26 Chapter 51 continues the prophecy against Babylon. Verses 1- 5 tell us that Babylon would be mowed down and winnowed like grain. This is a common threshing figure…
AUGUST 25 Chapter 49 records the prophecy against various nations. God predicted that Nebuchadnezzar would conquer Ammon, Edom, Syria, Hazor, and Elam. Later readings will disclose that he did conquer…
AUGUST 24 Chapter 46 describes the defeat of the Egyptian army at Carchemish (605 b.c.), in the middle period of Jeremiah's life (verses 1-12), and a later prophecy that Nebuchadnezzar…