Bible Reading: JUN14: Psalms 21-23
JUNE 14 After the battle referred to in Psalm 20, David now gives thanks to God for victory in that battle. Though the Psalm seems to refer to David, it…
JUNE 14 After the battle referred to in Psalm 20, David now gives thanks to God for victory in that battle. Though the Psalm seems to refer to David, it…
JUNE 13 Psalm 18 is David's hymn of thanksgiving, on his accession to the throne. After years of flight from Saul the kingdom was now firmly established. David attributed it…
JUNE 12 Psalm 10 is a prayer for help. The prevalence of wickedness apparently troubled David greatly, especially the wicked's defiance of God. To David, as to other Bible writers,…
JUNE 11 Psalm 4 is an evening prayer. David is retiring to sleep in the bosom of God. He is confident that the Lord will hear when he calls upon…
JUNE 10 God did not charge Job with the sins his friends had accused him of committing. However, God did charge him with not seeing himself in the light of…
JUNE 9 Following the discourses of Job, his three friends and Elihu, the next voice is that of the Master. The Lord Jehovah appears unexpectedly in a whirlwind. He is…
JUNE 8 Elihu continues his speech in chapter 35 by reproving both Job and his three friends. He condemns Job for having expressed the thought that because of his integrity…
JUNE 7 In chapter 32 a fourth friend enters the picture. He begins a speech which continues through chapter 37. Someone had to intervene, for the discussion between Job and…
JUNE 6 In chapter 29 Job recalls the days when he walked through the uncertain paths of life with the confidence that no serious ill could harm him because the…
JUNE 5 Chapter 24 is a continuation of Job's reply to Eliphaz. Then in chapter 25 Bildad gives his third discourse, and in chapter 26 Job sarcastically dismisses Bildad's arguments…