Bible Reading: NOV01: Luke 23-24
I would like to share comments on a portion of chapter 23 with you today. Verses 39-43 give the account of the two malefactors hanging beside Jesus on the cross.…
I would like to share comments on a portion of chapter 23 with you today. Verses 39-43 give the account of the two malefactors hanging beside Jesus on the cross.…
Chapter 21 contains what is probably the greatest lesson on giving in the entire Bible. The poor widow had only two mites in her possession; yet she loved God so…
The first part of chapter 19 records the conversion of Zacchaeus. His desire to see Jesus prompted him to run and climb a sycamore tree. Zacchaeus' extra effort to see…
In chapter 17 Jesus gives instructions in forgiveness and service. It should be read very carefully and applied to our daily living. In verse 3 Jesus says, "...If thy brother…
In chapter 14:26 Jesus says, "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own…
Chapter 12 contains the parable of the rich fool. The lesson found here can be of great benefit to us today. In the hustle and bustle of today's society, men…
Chapter 10 contains the basis for the visitation program of local New Testament churches. Here God gives the vision of the harvest being great and the laborers few. He also…
Chapter 8 contains a unique presentation in the writings of Luke. He records something of the women who ministered to Christ. They were particularly demonstrative of their affection and devotion…
In chapter 6:1-11 Jesus answers the question concerning the Sabbath; in verses 12-19 the twelve are chosen; and verses 20-49 record the Beatitudes. Many of the teachings recorded here are…
Chapter 4 again gives the account of Christ being tempted of the devil for forty days and forty nights in the wilderness. Luke, like Matthew and Mark, passed entirely over…