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Read more about the article A prayer from a Queen
Mary, Queen of Scots, granddaughter of Margaret Tudor

A prayer from a Queen

Keep me, O Lord, from all pettiness!  Let me be large in thought and word and deed. Let me leave off self-seeking and be done with faultfinding. Help me to…

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One man come in the name of love One man come and go One man come, he to justify One man to overthrow In the name of love What more…

Read more about the article Desert Rose
Desert Rose, Omo, Ethiopia

Desert Rose

Lost in a windswept land In a world of shifting sand A fragile flower stands apart And there in that barren ground You feel like the only one Trying to…

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Sin No More

Nelson Thomas Mumbai recently wrote an article titled "Sin No More" that is tucked away in the GracePeace Newsletter area.  It is really well written, and worth highlighting here. One…

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The Purpose of Life

Why do you exist?  What is your purpose?  Why go on living? Joy is one important part of the answer. And God saw everything that he had made, and behold,…

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Read more about the article Christians: “Do the Doing”
Jesus and the apostles are in the room where the supper is ready. After they ate of the supper Jesus got up from the table and took a basin with some water in it, and a towel, and he went from one apostle to another, washing their feet. Why did Jesus wash the apostles' feet as if he were their servant? It was to set them an example of being kind to each other and of being willing to wait on each other. It was to teach them not to be proud.

Christians: “Do the Doing”

For many years, I have worked on projects along with several people living in India.  Occasionally, they use interesting phrases (that bring a smile to my face) that are different…

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Read more about the article Regarding God, are you agnostic or atheist?
These poor people are out in the street. Some of them have crutches because they are lame and cannot walk Some of them are blind and cannot see, and some are very sick and weak and cannot stand up. Why did all these poor sick people come away from their homes to sit out here in the street ? It was because Jesus was to pass by this way. They wanted to touch him as he passed by. So they waited till he came, and then they put out their hands and touched him, and every one who touched him was made well.

Regarding God, are you agnostic or atheist?

Agnostic: One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God. One who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism.…

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Read more about the article “Conflict between religions threatens future of the world”
Jesus is talking to a young man. He is a rich young man; see the beautiful clothes he is wearing. He has come to Jesus to ask what good thing he shall do, so he may go to heaven after he dies and be happy there with the angels. Jesus tells the young man he must do these things: love his father and mother; speak the truth; be honest in all things; and be kind to his neighbors. The young man says he has done all this since he was a little boy. When Jesus heard that he said, There is yet one thing more for you to do ; sell everything you have, and give the money to the poor; then come and follow me. When the rich young man heard this he was very sorry, and went away, for he could not bear to become poor even for Jesus.

“Conflict between religions threatens future of the world”

In 2007, Islamic scholars essentially told the Pope 'we should talk' ... "If Muslims and Christians are not at peace, the world cannot be at peace. With the terrible weaponry…

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