The Reading Room


Mass MASS BASIC R.C. BELIEF From THE WHAT AND WHY OF CATHOLICISM with the Imprimatur of the late Cardinal Spellman. "The Sacrifice of the Mass forms a pivot upon which…



Modernism MODERNISM POST VATICAN II From THE LIVING FAITH IN A WORLD OF CHANGE, Carl Pfeiffer, S.J., page 26. "The doctrine (of original sin) as all the Church's saving teachings,…


Inhaling The Spirit

Inhaling The Spirit INHALING THE SPIRIT or "What Was That Sound?" by Douglas V. Morton The Way International strives to teach of its members how they may "receive the holy…

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Jesus Brothers

Jesus Brothers JESUS' BROTHERS BASIC R.C. BELIEF Roman Catholics strongly deny that Mary had other children besides Jesus. They use Ezekiel 44:2 to "prove" this. CHRISTIAN COMMENT The names of…

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Nun NUN BASIC R.C. BELIEF A female celibate, devoted by vows to the religious life. POST VATICAN II In order to meet changing social customs and continue to attract young…



Miracles MIRACLES CATHOLIC JOURNALS From LEAVES, July/August 1979. "WHEN FAITH DEFEATS DEATH. Man must die - not even Christ, the Perfect Man, was spared that. "Christ's followers, the saints, are…
