The Reading Room


Apocrypha APOCRYPHA BASIC R.C. BELIEF The books called, by Protestants, the Apocrypha, are called deuterocanonical by the Roman Catholics, and are: Tobit, Judith, Sirach, Wisdom, Baruch, I and II Maccabees.…


Canon Of The Mass

Canon Of The Mass CANON OF THE MASS BASIC R.C. BELIEF The part of the Mass between the Preface (although some Missals designate the Sanctus as the beginning) and the…

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Discussion of DnD

Discussion of DnD D & D Msg#:10535 *GENERAL MESSAGES* 03/21/88 06:29:00 From: BOB HOFFMAN To: ALL Subj: RE: D&D Dear Robert, As a Bible believer though we are bound to…

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Bible BIBLE BASIC R.C. BELIEF Together with apostolic and ecclesiastical traditions, the rule of faith and practice of the Roman Catholic Church, as interpreted by the Magisterium. The books recognized…


Ex Cathedra

Ex Cathedra EX CATHEDRA BASIC R.C. BELIEF From the chair (of Peter); formal statements concerning faith and morals are made by the Pope ex cathedra are infallible. In over 100…

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Assurance ASSURANCE BASIC R.C. BELIEF Assurance of salvation is presumption, by which one expects God to do things He does not will to do. This is a mortal sin. From…


Communion In The Hand

Communion In The Hand COMMUNION IN THE HAND POST VATICAN II From FAITH, Editor Rev. Hololloway, S.T.L., Portslade, England. "The demand for `communion in the hand' did not derive from…

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Extreme Unction

Extreme Unction EXTREME UNCTION BASIC R.C. BELIEF The last of the seven Sacraments, also known as Last Rites. Its primary purpose is to prepare one for death and, if possible,…

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