Extraordinary Eucharistic Minis
Extraordinary Eucharistic Minis EXTRAORDINARY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS POST VATICAN II Laymen and laywomen whose function is to distribute the Host in Communion when there is a shortage of priests. Some Roman…
The Reading Room
Extraordinary Eucharistic Minis EXTRAORDINARY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS POST VATICAN II Laymen and laywomen whose function is to distribute the Host in Communion when there is a shortage of priests. Some Roman…
Comparative Study Of World Reli A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF WORLD RELIGIONS AND CHRISTIANITY by Edward Rommen INTRODUCTION Few of us would question the fact that we live in a religiously…
All Souls Day ALL SOULS DAY BASIC R.C. BELIEF This day, usually November 2, commemorates souls still in Purgatory. To give greater aid to these, a priest is allowed to…
Born Catholic Born Catholic I was born into a Roman Catholic home in the early 1940's. My parents were devout Roman Catholics and we were instructed in the teaching of…
A New Reformation Robert Schu The Christian BBS - (604)478-2789 - 24 Hrs - 8,N,1 - C/O Dave Geauvreau, Voice (604)478-0254, 3053 Metchosin Rd. Victoria, B.C., Canada - V9B 4Y9…
Christian Science ====[ The Christian BBS - (604)478-2789 - Vic., B.C. 24 Hrs. 8,N,1 ]==== **** Sound Doctrine Board (303) 680-7209 8/N/1 24HRS 300/1200 BAUD **** CHRISTIAN SCIENCE - CHRISTIAN…
Conservitive Roman Catholics CONSERVATIVE ROMAN CATHOLICS Generally speaking, this refers to Roman Catholics who, while going along with most of the modernization of liturgy since Vatican II, still cling to…
Ecumenism ECUMENISM BASIC R.C. BELIEF Historically, the only union Rome was interested in was in having people, churches and kings bow before her in subjection. POST VATICAN II In recent…
A former DnD player warning Introduction The following is an essay written by Darren Molitor, a former D&D player. Darren was a very devout D&D player who sometimes played marathon…
Encyclical ENCYCLICAL BASIC R.C. BELIEF An encyclical (or papal bull) is a letter addressed to the bishops of the world from the Pope. It contains admonitions and instructions, and is…