Authority Of The Church
Authority Of The Church AUTHORITY OF THE CHURCH BASIC R.C. BELIEF Popes and bishops, as lawful successors of the Apostles, have power from Christ to teach, sanctify and govern the…
The Reading Room
Authority Of The Church AUTHORITY OF THE CHURCH BASIC R.C. BELIEF Popes and bishops, as lawful successors of the Apostles, have power from Christ to teach, sanctify and govern the…
Deacon DEACON BASIC R.C. BELIEF One ordained to the diaconate, the major order below a priest. He is the priest' principle assistant at Mass and other rites. With permission of…
Eastern Orthodox Church EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH BASIC R.C. BELIEF Officially known as Eastern schismatic churches, they came into being in 1054 when the Patriarch of Constantinople and the Pope, arguing…
Angels ANGELS BASIC R.C. BELIEF From THE SACRAMENTS by Rev. Connel, C.SS.R., page 15. "St. Stanislaus Kostka received Holy Communion from an angel, and the same miraculous favor was granted…
Ablutions ABLUTIONS BASIC R.C. BELIEF The ceremonial purification after Holy Communion. The priest purifies his chalice with wine, then with water and wine, then washes his fingers with which he…
Bernadette Soubirous BERNADETTE SOUBIROUS French peasant girl who saw an apparition in 1858, who later identified herself as Mary, "the Immaculate Conception." This was the subject of much unbelief, but…
Absolution ABSOLUTION BASIC R.C. BELIEF The remission of sins in Confession by an authorized priest, in the Sacrament of Penance. The power to absolve is given to the priest at…
Access To God ACCESS TO GOD BASIC R.C. BELIEF Access to God is achieved through mediators and Sacraments. CHRISTIAN COMMENT Every Christian has access to God (Romans 5:2; Ephesians 2:18;…
DnD The Game DUNGEONS & DRAGONS..... THE GAME Mind against mind, the battle rages on with only the sharpest and fastest thinkers going out ahead of the pack of hungry…