The Reading Room


STORY OF THE SHRINE STORY OF THE SHRINE Shriners belong to an extension of the Masonic Lodge. There are over 660,000 members in North America This group, founded in 1872,…


Why I Believe

Why I Believe Why I Believe The Child: someone who loves me asked me if I wanted to ask Jesus into my heart. They told me about how Jesus loves…

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Christian Political Opinion

Christian Political Opinion by merrymortician on 2002-11-21 00:17:47 taken from (with permision) Over the Summer I had the opportunity to attend a Promise Keepers conference in Cleveland, Ohio. Without…

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A Lesson from My Cat

A Lesson from My Cat by Kathy on 2001-03-19 18:46:59 "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which…

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A look at Psalm 23

A look at Psalm 23 by Dave on 2002-08-11 00:31:05 Are the Psalms of David written many years ago, relevant to today's living ? I believe so, join me as…

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