The Reading Room

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Page 63 When we adopt this posture, we are recognizing that the Lord may have a different plan for us. Thus we give Him our consent to cut into our…

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Page 79 Lord's work along the way. Paul thunders against the folly of judging someone else's servant. There is an ancient Indian proverb that says, ,Do not judge another man…

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Page 32 answering me. I believe it's because we already know the answer. It's your choice. The Lord said we may freely eat from any tree in the garden except…

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Page 48 Should I get an undergraduate degree, a masters degree, or a doctorate? What job should I apply for and accept? Should I seek a job promotion or a…

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Page 64 give you supernatural guidance. However, He has given us no such promise. He leaves the decisions in these areas to our discernment. However, if He does lead you…

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Page 80 To the Strong in Conscience. Exercise your freedom, but do not flaunt it. Neither evangelize or parade it in front of others. Do not criticize or act condescending…

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Page 33 An Inward Discovery In the Old Testament, God gave His people a very detailed map of His moral will for them. Israel had 613 laws by which to…

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Page 49 Should I save? Invest? If so, how and using what method? What bank should I use? Should I use credit cards? Which and how often? How should my…

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Page 65 telling you a story. I have known two couples in my life that made the same decisions, but the results were drastically different. We will call the first…

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Page 81 God's people to conform to your convictions. Be not deceived: There are few things that are more antagonistic to the spirit of Christ than Pharisaism. I think it…

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