The Reading Room

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Page 15 15 suffering. But there is also resurrection. And God can't dispense the latter until we are willing to embrace the former. The power of His resurrection always follows…

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Page 8 8 Bethany is the place that receives all whom Christ sends. It also receives all who belong to Christ. Any church that welcomes some members of the Body,…

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Page 16 16 ENCOUNTER 3 March A.D. 30 Then, six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus was who had been dead, whom He had raised from…

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Page 9 9 What is this? This is a beautiful picture of a church meeting. When we come together as a church, we come into the presence of Jesus Christ.…

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Page 17 17 or troubled as she was before. Why? Because Martha is serving in resurrection. Something has changed. You see, you cannot be around Jesus Christ for very long…

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Page 18 18 It is worth 300 denarii. A denarii is a day's wage. Therefore, 300 denarii is one year's salary. Let me put this in contemporary terms so that…

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Page 19 19 Now we may not physically smell Christ today, but we can spiritually sense His presence among us. And the fragrance of His presence is a mark of…

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Page 2 2 Copyright 2007 Present Testimony Ministry - Good Faith Agreement--Please Read This eBook is a transcribed message that Frank delivered to a house church in St. Augustine,…

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Page 20 20 He said, "Frank, I'm a businessman. A lot of money passes through my hands. But the most valuable thing in my life is my time. The fact…

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