The Reading Room

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Page 11 11 the fact that her service was misguided and misdirected. Her heart was in the wrong place. She was tied up with the wrong thing. She was so…

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Page 4 4 INTRODUCTION When the Lord Jesus Christ entered this world, He was not received. Do you remember His birth? The entire town of Bethlehem closed its doors to…

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Page 12 12 ENCOUNTER 2 Early A.D. 30 Now a certain man was sick, Lazarus of Bethany, the town of Mary and her sister Martha . . . Therefore the…

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Page 5 5 Bethany was a little less than two miles east of Jerusalem. It was located on the southeastern slopes of the Mount of Olives. The garden of Gethsemene…

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Page 13 13 place where Jesus Christ loves His own, and His own do not doubt it. It is also the place of friendship. Friendship with the living God. These…

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Page 6 6 ENCOUNTER 1 October A.D. 29 Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her…

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Page 14 14 will come. Crisis will come. Suffering will come. Difficulties with your brethren will come. But remember: You can't have a resurrection without death. And you will never…

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Page 7 7 It seems to me that there are three key aspects involved in the proper reception of Jesus Christ. 1) To receive Christ properly is to give Him…

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Page 15 15 suffering. But there is also resurrection. And God can't dispense the latter until we are willing to embrace the former. The power of His resurrection always follows…

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Page 8 8 Bethany is the place that receives all whom Christ sends. It also receives all who belong to Christ. Any church that welcomes some members of the Body,…

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