(Acts 3: 19) IN our text Peter says: 6 'Repent ye, therefore, and be converted." In the American Revised Version, it reads: " Repent ye, therefore, and turn." Conversion is…
The Reading Room
(Acts 3: 19) IN our text Peter says: 6 'Repent ye, therefore, and be converted." In the American Revised Version, it reads: " Repent ye, therefore, and turn." Conversion is…
(Acts 3 : 12) THE spirit of Christianity, or the law of Christ, differs strikingly from that of the Mosaic law. The old covenant was the ministration of death, written…
(Acts 3:1-11) IT is not the purpose of this discourse to prove that miracles were performed. We are going to accept without question the testimony of Matthew, Mark, Luke and…
(Acts 2:47) AMONG all the religious bodies in the world to-day, can we find and identify the body of Christ ? Has it been in existence throughout all the centuries?…
(Acts 2:42) THE church at Jerusalem, typical in that it was the first church of Christ, serves as a pattern. Those who believed, repented, and were baptized, constituted this…
(Acts 2:37-47) SOME say that the church was established in the Garden of Eden; others, at the time when God called Abraham to become the father of a chosen peo-…
THE Book of Acts is a record of the preaching of the apostles, and the conversions that ensued as a result. The apostles were guided at all times by the…
(Acts 2) BY way of introduction, we will consider a few facts of prophetic nature: 1. The word of the Lord was to go forth from Jeru- salem (Isa. 2:3).…
(Matt. 3:11, 12; Acts 1:4, 5; 11:1-4; 2:38-42; 8:36- 39; 10:44-48; 19:1-5) THERE was no such thing as Christian baptism pre- vious to the inauguration of the new institution on…
(Acts 1:4-8) THERE are many conflicting theories regarding this subject among religious people of to-day. Many fail to understand the doctrine of Christ. Some will not read it in order…