Mormonism: History
Mormonism: History 1805 - Joseph Smith, Jr born (Father, Joseph, Sr. was a mystic, searched for Capt Kidd's treasure, counterfeited money) (Mother, Lucy, wrote 'Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith' -…
The Reading Room
Mormonism: History 1805 - Joseph Smith, Jr born (Father, Joseph, Sr. was a mystic, searched for Capt Kidd's treasure, counterfeited money) (Mother, Lucy, wrote 'Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith' -…
Mormonism: Doctrine of 'God' Adam-God Concept 1. 'How much unbelief exists in the minds of the Latter-Day Saints in regard to one particular doctrine which I revealed to them, and…
What the Bible says about the... Doctrine of 'Salvation' How about the 'law' 1. Rom 3:28 man justified by faith, apart from the law 2. Rom 4:15 where there is…
What the Bible says about the: Doctrine of 'Trinity' Trinity presented Matt 28:19 in the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit II Cor 13:14 the grace of the Lord…
What the Bible says about the: False Prophets like Jehovah's Witness Matt 24:23 If any man say, 'here is Christ, or there, believe it not' False prophets will show great…
What hard evidence says about: 'The Authenticity of the Bible' New Testament Manuscripts: over 24300 manuscripts in existence including: 5300 Greek manuscripts 10000 Latin early manuscripts Comparable Manuscripts: Text Date…
Scientology: Background Religious movement based on the writings of Ron Hubbard (1911-1986?) Book: 'Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health' Dianetics: a form of counseling to curing emotional and psychosomatic…
New Age: New Age 'Spirit Teaching' The teachings of spirits agree: They often speak of God and of love. They quote the Bible They speak of Jesus God and man…
Mormonism: History 1830 - expand into Jackson County, Missouri 1836 (Joseph Smith claims this as location of Eden) (Reorganized Church has turned down $5 million offer by the Utah Church)…
Mormonism: Doctrine of 'God' Man can become God 2. 'I want you all to know God, to be familiar with him,