Follower’s of Jesus – Self-Assessment
Follower's of Jesus - Self-Assessment Take this Self-Assessment at the beginning and end of each quarter to see how you're growing in your walk as a disciple. - A follower…
The Reading Room
Follower's of Jesus - Self-Assessment Take this Self-Assessment at the beginning and end of each quarter to see how you're growing in your walk as a disciple. - A follower…
The Great Ecclesiastical Conspiracy The Great Ecclesiastical Conspiracy by George Davis, Michael Clark, & Kirk Pearson (Third Revised Edition) HOME - Table of Contents INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 - THE…
The Ministry of One-Anothering The Ministry of One-Anothering by Chip Brogden Article copied from HOME - Every Christian is called to the ministry of One-Anothering. We are to…
Escape from Churchianity Escape from Churchianity by Chip Brogden Article copied from HOME - It is important that we make a clear distinction between the True Church (the…
Is the Current Church Structure Biblical? by Curtis Lee Hall Is the Current Church Structure Biblical? by Curtis Lee Hall I have believed for a long time that the current…
W H A T W E B E L I E V E & W H Y Page 1 S T U D Y # 1 W H A T…
Working for God! - by Andrew Murray _________________________________________________________________ Title: Working For God! Creator(s): Murray, Andrew Print Basis: New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1901 Rights: Public Domain CCEL Subjects: All; Practical…
The True Vine - by Andrew Murray _________________________________________________________________ Title: The True Vine: Meditations for a Month on John 15:1-16 Creator(s): Murray, Andrew Rights: Public Domain CCEL Subjects: All; Practical; LC…
With Christ in the School of Prayer - by Andrew Murray _________________________________________________________________ Title: With Christ in the School of Prayer Creator(s): Murray, Andrew Print Basis: Fleming H. Revell Rights: Public…
The School of Obedience - by Andrew Murray _________________________________________________________________ Title: The School of Obedience Creator(s): Murray, Andrew (1828-1917) Print Basis: First published by Fleming H. Revell, 1898 Rights: Public Domain…