Lecture 38
Lecture 38 Lecture XXXVIII. Atonement.--No. 4.Its Value. In discussing the value of the Atonement, I shall -- First. Show in what its value consists. Second. How great its value is.…
The Reading Room
Lecture 38 Lecture XXXVIII. Atonement.--No. 4.Its Value. In discussing the value of the Atonement, I shall -- First. Show in what its value consists. Second. How great its value is.…
Lecture 39 Lecture XXXIX. Moral Government.--No. 18. Atonement.--No. 5. Its Influence. I have already anticipated many things that might be said under this head, some of which I shall glance…
Lecture 40 Lecture XL. Moral Government.--No. 19. Atonement.--No. 6.Objections. I. To the fact of Atonement. It is said that the doctrine of Atonement represents God as unmerciful. Ans. 1. This…
Lecture 6 Lecture VI. Divine Authority Of The BibleI will show, First. That a farther revelation from God, than that which is made in the works of nature and providence…
Lecture 41 Lecture XLI. Moral Government.--No. 20. Human Governments Are A Part Of The Moral Government Of God. In this lecture I shall show: First. That Human Governments are a…
Lecture 5 Lecture V. Atheism. First. Define Atheism. Second. Some of the different forms or modifications of Atheism. Third. Answer the principal objections of Atheists, to Theism. Fourth. Point out…
Lecture 2 Introductory Lecture.--No. 2. I. Some things implied in the study of Theology. II. Some things that we know of man, independently of any revelation or knowledge of God.…
Lecture 3 Introductory Lecture.--No. 3. I. The importance of a correct and thorough knowledge of the laws of evidence. II. What is evidence and what is proof, and the difference…
Lecture 4 Lecture IV. Existence Of God. First, State the several methods of proof. Second, Show to what they amount. First, State the several methods of proof. I. Moral argument,…
Lecture 42 Lecture XLII. Moral Government.--No. 21. Human Governments Are A Part Of The Moral Government Of God.--No. 2. In this lecture I shall show: First. The reasons why God…