THE WONDERFUL LOVE OF GOD A sermon delivered on Sunday morning, December 22, 1850 by the Rev. C. G. Finney (of the Andeavoring Collegiate Institute, America) at the Tabernacle Moorfields.…
The Reading Room
THE WONDERFUL LOVE OF GOD A sermon delivered on Sunday morning, December 22, 1850 by the Rev. C. G. Finney (of the Andeavoring Collegiate Institute, America) at the Tabernacle Moorfields.…
The sermons in this directory are from This document (last modified July 22, 1998) from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library server, at Wheaton College
THE ATONEMENT AND THE WORD OF FAITH by Tim Germain The Word of Faith is also known as the Faith Movement. The main preachers besides Kenneth Hagin and Kenneth Copeland…
SIN - The Forgotten Doctrine by Tim Germain John 8:31,32 - "Then said Jesus to those Jews who believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye…
This series is sort of like going to the dentist. We're going to be talking about one of your favorite subjects...pride...and we're going to start this evening by discussing the…
Last night we covered a couple of subjects. One, the origins of pride. We took a look at how pride developed in the heavenlies. Through Lucifer's preoccupation with himself, his…
We have really covered quite a bit of ground for the last two evenings. On the subject of pride. Going all the way from the origins of pride from the…
PREFACE BY THE AUTHOR 1. To a great extent, the truths of the blessed gospel have been hidden under a false philosophy. In my early inquiries on the subject of…
Charles G. Finney's Systematic Theology Edited by J.H. Fairchild 1878 President, Oberlin college (With modest grammatical and layout changes) By The Rev. Charles G. Finney Late President of Oberlin College…
GLOSSARY ARBITRARY: a choice of the will in the worst sense; that is, in the sense of having no regard to reason, or to the nature and relations of moral…