Revival Fire–Letter XIII
Revival Fire--Letter XIII LETTER XIII OBJECTIONS TO PROTRACTED MEETINGS [It is not the thought of this chapter, that the work of soul-saving should be put into a secondary place, and…
The Reading Room
Revival Fire--Letter XIII LETTER XIII OBJECTIONS TO PROTRACTED MEETINGS [It is not the thought of this chapter, that the work of soul-saving should be put into a secondary place, and…
Revival Fire--Letter XI LETTER XI THE IMPOLICY OF SPASMODIC EFFORTS Before I proceed further on the subject of my last letter, I wish to call the attention of the brethren…
Revival Fire--Letter X LETTER X CAUSES OF THE DECLINE OF REVIVALS Another cause of the decline of revivals, in my estimation, is, that a right course has not been pursued…
Revival Fire--Letter IX LETTER IX WHY SO FEW REVIVALS? I am rejoiced to perceive that the inquiry is beginning to agitate the Church, "Why are there not more revivals, as…
Revival Fire--Letter VIII LETTER VIII EXCITEMENT IN REVIVALS If I am not entirely mistaken, many excitements that have been supposed to be revivals of religion, have, after all, had but…
Revival Fire--Letter VII LETTER VII FANATICAL EXCITEMENT While upon the subject of excitement, I wish to make a few suggestions on the danger that highly-excited feelings will take a wrong…
Revivl Fire--Letter VI LETTER VI EXCITEMENT IN REVIVALS I have by no means done with the subject of excitement as connected with revivals of religion. In every age of the…
Revival Fire--Letter V LETTER V ERRONEOUS REVIVAL PREACHING Another error which has prevailed to some extent, I fear, in the promotion of revivals, has been a kind of preaching that…
Revival Fire--Letter IV LETTER IV ERRORS THAT HINDER REVIVALS Another error in the promotion of revivals is, a want of such discrimination in the instructions given as thoroughly to develop…
Revival Fire--Letter III LETTER III A CAUSE OF SPURIOUS CONVERSIONS I have already intimated that pains enough had not been taken to search the heart and thoroughly detect and expose…