LECTURE 36 JUSTIFICATION Christ is represented in the gospel as sustaining to men three classes of relations. 1. Those which are purely governmental. 2. Those which are purely spiritual. 3.…
The Reading Room
LECTURE 36 JUSTIFICATION Christ is represented in the gospel as sustaining to men three classes of relations. 1. Those which are purely governmental. 2. Those which are purely spiritual. 3.…
LECTURE 35 FAITH AND UNBELIEF What evangelical faith is not. 1. The term faith, like most other words, has diverse significations, and is manifestly used in the Bible sometimes to…
LECTURE 34 REPENTANCE AND IMPENITENCE In the discussion of this subject I shall show: What repentance is not. 1. The Bible everywhere represents repentance as a virtue, and as constituting…
LECTURE 33 THE NOTION OF INABILITY I have represented ability, or the freedom of the will, as a first truth of consciousness, a truth necessarily known to all moral agents.…
LECTURE 32 GRACIOUS ABILITY Grace is unmerited favor. Its exercise consists in bestowing that which, without a violation of justice, might be withheld. Ability to obey God, as we have…
LECTURE 31 NATURAL ABILITY We next proceed to the examination of the question of man's ability or inability to obey the commandments of God. This certainly must be a fundamental…
LECTURE 30 EVIDENCES OF REGENERATION Wherein saints and sinners must differ. 1. Let it be distinctly remembered, that all unregenerate persons, without exception, have one heart, that is, they are…
LECTURE 29 EVIDENCES OF REGENERATION Introductory remarks. 1. In ascertaining what are, and what are not, evidences of regeneration, we must constantly keep in mind what is not, and what…
LECTURE 28 PHILOSOPHICAL THEORIES OF REGENERATION The principal theories that have been advocated, so far as my knowledge extends, are the following: 1. The taste scheme. 2. The divine efficiency…
LECTURE 27 REGENERATION In the examination of this subject I will: Point out the common distinction between regeneration and conversion. 1. Regeneration is the term used by some theologians to…