Sermons on Gospel Themes
Sermons on Gospel Themes Sermons on Gospel Themes By Charles Finney Preface Lecture I - God's Love for a Sinning World Lecture II - On Trusting in the Mercy of…
The Reading Room
Sermons on Gospel Themes Sermons on Gospel Themes By Charles Finney Preface Lecture I - God's Love for a Sinning World Lecture II - On Trusting in the Mercy of…
REFERENCES 1. Finney, Charles G., Autobiography.Fleming H. Revell Company, New York, 1876, p. 20. 2. Ibid., p.24. 3. Ibid., pp. 183,184. All of the following references are from Charles G.…
The Loss When a Soul is Lost by Charles Finney "For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or…
Billy Sunday once said - "Some people take so many pills their joints look like ball bearings." It's a sick, sick world. With such a lot of medical problems around,…
Are men born sinners? A commonly abused "proof text" is Psalm 51:5. Although I cannot claim the following as a result of my own scholarship or research, the information is…
The King and His Kingdom The King and His Kingdom By Winkie Pratney All studies of the Kingdom of Heaven must begin with the King Himself. No kingdom is greater…
Man & the Origin Of Evil MAN AND THE ORIGIN OF EVIL By Winkie Pratney This diagram represents, in a very limited way, the unique being of MAN. BODY: Flesh…
Man & the Origin Of Evil This diagram represents, in a very limited way, the unique being of MAN. BODY: Flesh - (Covering, building, sensing) Gen. 2:7; Ps. 139:14-16; Ps.…