The Reading Room
lutherquoting What Would Martin Luther Say? An Excerpt From Martin Luther's Spiritual Last Will & Testament CONFESSION CONCERNING CHRIST'S SUPPER (1528), Part 3 by Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Translation by Rev.…
morning Luther's Morning Prayer From: Luther's Little Instruction Book (The Small Catechism of Martin Luther) Appendix 1: Devotions Translated by Robert E. Smith July 11, 1994 My Heavenly Father, I…
ninetyfivelatin ``Disputatio pro Declaratione Virtutis Indulgentiarum.'' by Dr. Martin Luther, 1483-1546 D. MARTIN LUTHERS WERKE: KRITISCHE GESAMMTAUSGABE. 1. Band (Weimar: Hermann Boehlau, 1883). pp. 233-238. PW #001-001La Amore et studio…
prefaceromans Preface to the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans by Martin Luther, 1483-1546 Translated by Bro. Andrew Thornton, OSB "Vorrede auff die Epistel S. Paul: an die Romer"…
subscribewittenberg Project Wittenberg Announces Birth of WITTENBERG: An E-Mail List in the History of Lutheranism (Please Forward) Project Wittenberg and LutherNet are proud to announce a new electronic mail discussion…
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