The Reading Room

Worship 45

Worship 45 .HEAD 1 + Title: Preparing to Worship Text: Selected Tracing: Preached January 19, 1992 AM at SDCC. .HEAD 1 + INTRO We have discussed how vitally important worship…

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Deflating Depression

Deflating Depression DEFLATING DEPRESSION B5-19-5A 2 Cor. 2:1 THEME: Depression is something that we can overcome by our own will and God's help. INTRODUCTION: Definitions of depression: Hollow or low…

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Running For The Prize

Running For The Prize Title: Running for the Prize Text: Heb. 12:1-3 (against background of Heb. 11) Tracing: Preached at PM Service at SDCC on 5/27/90. Topic: Faithfulness Theme: Help…

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Worship 55

Worship 55 .HEAD 1 + Title: Designing a Service for Worship Text: Selected Tracing: Preached January 26, 1992 AM at SDCC .HEAD 1 + INTRO An Experiment today! Last week…

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Life In The Fog

Life In The Fog Title: LIFE IN THE FOG Text: Hebrews 11 Tracing: Preached at PM service at SDCC on 5/6/90. Topic: Perseverance Theme: ÿThe essence of Faith is trusting…

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