The Reading Room

Nicene creed

Nicene creed THE CREED OF NICAEA (325) We believe in one God the Father All-sovereign, maker of all things. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten…

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Orange THE COUNCIL OF ORANGE The Council of Orange was an outgrowth of the controversy between Augustine and Pelagius. This controversy had to do with degree to which a human…


Spurgeon Catechism

Spurgeon Catechism A PURITAN CATECHISM With Proofs Compiled by C. H. Spurgeon "Heir of the Puritans" I am persuaded that the use of a good Catechism in all our families…

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Book of Common Prayer

Book of Common Prayer The Book of Common Prayer: E-text Edition (American, 1979) Version 1.0 13 December 1993 If you are viewing this file with a word processor, we recommend…

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conbk11 AUGUSTINE'S CONFESSIONS BOOK ELEVEN CHAPTER I Is it possible, O Lord, that, since thou art in eternity, thou art ignorant of what I am saying to thee? Or, dost…



enchir09 CHAPTER IX THE REPLACEMENT OF THE FALLEN ANGELS BY ELECT MEN (28-30); THE NECESSITY OF GRACE (30-32) 28. While some of the angels deserted God in impious pride and…



enchir25 CHAPTER XXV PREDESTINATION AND THE JUSTICE OF GOD 98. Furthermore, who would be so impiously foolish as to say that God cannot turn the evil wills of men--as he…



beginTZ Document: beginTZ.doc FROM ONE BEGINNING TO ANOTHER Brother Roger, Munich, 1993/ 1994 The Letter 1994, FROM ONE BEGINNING TO ANOTHER, was written by Brother Roger for the European meeting…



conbk12 AUGUSTINE'S CONFESSIONS BOOK TWELVE CHAPTER I My heart is deeply stirred, O Lord, when in this poor life of mine the words of thy Holy Scripture strike upon it.…



enchir10 CHAPTER X JESUS CHRIST THE MEDIATOR 33. Thus it was that the human race was bound in a just doom and all men were children of wrath. Of this…
