The Reformed Faith
The Reformed Faith THE REFORMED FAITH by Loranine Boettner The Sovereignty of God . The purpose of this article is to set forth, in plain language and in terms easily…
The Reading Room
The Reformed Faith THE REFORMED FAITH by Loranine Boettner The Sovereignty of God . The purpose of this article is to set forth, in plain language and in terms easily…
The bible THE BIBLE . THIS BOOK is the inspired, infallible Word of God. The Bible contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of Salvation, the…
Tongues by Phil Scovell rebut CHARISMATIC CHAOS AND SPEAKING IN TONGUES By Phil Scovell This booklet is not copyrighted. It may be reproduced if such reproduction is done in the…
Why God Has Preserved His Holy Why God Has Preserved His Holy Word * Forth Revision, 4 November 1987 * |/ |/ | By John S. Green | | and…
A Look At Sediments Part 3 A Look at Sediments But the question concerning the paucity of elements in sea water still persists. Because of the paucity of so many…
Archaeopteryx ScalesFeathers ARCHAEOPTERYX part 5 In Dr. Michael Denton's book "Evolution: A Theory in Crisis" he addresses the problem of feathers arising out of scales in exquisite detail. I will…
Carl Sagan prophet of scienti CARL SAGAN: PROPHET OF SCIENTISM By David N. Menton . Carl Sagan has gained international attention through his popular writings on science and especially through…
Creationist Fired By Scientific CREATIONIST FIRED BY SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Copyright, 1990. The Associated Press. All rights reserved. By KILEY ARMSTRONG Associated Press Writer NEW YORK (AP) -- A widely published…
Evolution And The Snowflake No. 162 EVOLUTION AND THE SNOWFLAKE by Larry Vardiman, Ph.D. Johannes Kepler, the yet-to-be famous astronomer, presented a unique New Year's gift to his patron in…
Geologic Column and its fossil The fossils which are found around the world give scien- tists an accurate picture of species which existed in the past. Fossils are generally found…