The Reading Room

Free Basing Cocaine

Free Basing Cocaine FREE BASE COCAINE ("CRACK") The deaths of University of Maryland basketball star, Len Bias and Cleveland Browns defensive back, Don Rogers, have focused media attention on a…

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Poison Oak

Poison Oak Poison Oak Poison Oak is an extremely common plant in Northern California and is related to poison ivy and sumac. It is a potential cause of serious "contact"…

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Syphilis And Gonorrhea

Syphilis And Gonorrhea SYPHILIS AND GONORRHEA: OLD-FASHIONED AND STILL FLOURISHING, Evelyn Zamula The following article is reprinted form the April 1986 issue of the FDA Consumer, a publication of the…

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Silent Obsession

Silent Obsession SILENT OBSESSION After a full afternoon and evening of counseling and Homosexual Anonymous, I headed east over the Cascade Mountains with two hours to reflect until arriving home.…

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A Root Of Apostasy

A Root Of Apostasy A ROOT OF APOSTASY by Bill Jackson Jesus Christ said, in Mt 16:18, "I will build my church." In Mt 18:17, He indicated that this Church…

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