SABBATH SABBATH, The Instituted by God # Ge 2:3 Grounds of its institution # Ge 2:2,3 Ex 20:11 The seventh day observed as # Ex 20:9-11 Made for man #…
The Reading Room
SABBATH SABBATH, The Instituted by God # Ge 2:3 Grounds of its institution # Ge 2:2,3 Ex 20:11 The seventh day observed as # Ex 20:9-11 Made for man #…
SICKNESS SICKNESS Sent by God # De 28:59-61 32:39 2Sa 12:15 Ac 12:23 The devil sometimes permitted to inflict # Job 2:6,7 Lu 9:39 13:16 Often brought on by intemperance…
STRIFE STRIFE Christ, an example of avoiding # Isa 42:2 Mt 12:15-19 Lu 9:52-56 1Pe 2:23 Forbidden # Pr 3:30 25:8 A work of the flesh # Ga 5:20 An…
THRESHING THRESHING The removing or separating corn, &c form the straw # 1Ch 21:20 WAS PERFORMED 2a) By a rod or staff # Isa 28:27 2b) By cart wheels #…
TRUTH of God TRUTH of God, The Is one of his attributes # De 32:4 Isa 65:16 Always goes before his face # Ps 89:14 He keeps, for ever #…
VALLEYS VALLEYS Tracts of land between mountains # 1Sa 17:3 CALLED 2a) Vales # De 1:7 Jos 10:40 2b) Dales # Ge 14:17 2Sa 18:18 2c) Fat valleys, when fruitful…
PesachShabbat morning havdalah Messianic Pesach/Passover Seder. Didn't get time to put in all the translituration, and explainations, and it is short, but should be complete enough for those who'd like…
Why do we say Yeshua Why Do You Say Yeshua? by Michael Schiffman Several years ago, a meeting took place between Jewish and Evangelical theologians to address common concerns and…