My Title To Heaven
My Title To Heaven My Title To Heaven Some time ago Dr. Charles E. Fuller, director of the Old Fashioned Revival Hour, a worldwide broadcast, announced that he would speak…
The Reading Room
My Title To Heaven My Title To Heaven Some time ago Dr. Charles E. Fuller, director of the Old Fashioned Revival Hour, a worldwide broadcast, announced that he would speak…
Our Tears Gem #45 - Our Tears Oh! it is a glorious fact, that prayers are noticed in heaven. The poor broken hearted sinner, going into his bedroom, bends his…
Prayer Gem #41 - Prayer If anyone should ask me for a summation of the Christian religion, I would say, it is in that one word--"prayer." If I should be…
Reaching For Help Reaching for Help by Kurt H. Asplundh "If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well." (Matt. 9:21) Such was the secret thought of…
Shadows Of Mercy Power In The Gem #4 - Shadows of Mercy When the sunlight of God's mercy rises upon our needs, it casts the shadow of prayer far down…
Spiritual Suicide A poem but SPIRITUAL SUICIDE Think how wonderful our nation And how peaceful it could be If each prayed, and searched the Scriptures As much as they tuned…
The Art Of Marriage The Art of Marriage A good marriage must be created. In the marriage the little things are the big things... It is never being too old…
The God Of The Christians Gem #75 - The God of the Christians God is love in its highest degree. He is love rendered more than love. Love is not…
The Missing Child The missing child I want to preach today on "The Missing Child" out of Luke chapter 2. Let's look at Luke 2, verse 39, and begin reading.…
The Source Of Holiness THE SOURCE OF HOLINESS "Well, I believe God will let me into heaven because I try to live right and do my best. Don't you think…