Chanukah feast of dedication
Chanukah feast of dedication CHANUKAH .. FEAST OF DEDICATION by Dr. Michael Schiffman As the year is swiftly drawing to a close, we are approaching both Chanukah and Christmas. Chanukah…
The Reading Room
Chanukah feast of dedication CHANUKAH .. FEAST OF DEDICATION by Dr. Michael Schiffman As the year is swiftly drawing to a close, we are approaching both Chanukah and Christmas. Chanukah…
Rebuttal of Jews for Judaism {Origonal post} >Message #9072 "Judaica" >Date: 25-Dec-89 07:56 >From: Aaron Schmiedel >To: All >Subj: Christmas For Jews???? <part 3> >Previous Reply is Message #8711. .…
Yom Kippur feast or fast YOM KIPPUR: FEAST OR FAST? Rachmiel Frydland According to Jewish tradition and the Talmud (Tractate Ta'anith 26b), Yom Kippur has been one of the great…
Grave Clothes GRAVE CLOTHES Author: Jim Fox Greek - keira = winding sheet Prepatory to burial, the body was washed, amd frequently annointed with spices, then stretched out on a…
Ichabod the glory has departe ICHABOD . Ichabod (EH'CA'VOD) - strange word for a title. Most of us are familiar with this word only as the first name chosen by…
The heart in the book of Prover THE <E>LECTRONIC <L>IBRARY E<X>CHANGE DENVER, COLORADO BBS: 303-935-6323 * THE HEART [Word Study] Wisdom From Proverbs Prov. 2:1-5 My son, if thou wilt…
Adoniram Judson Adoniram Judson 1788-1850 Pioneer missionary to Burma. Adoniram Judson was the son of a Congregational minister. He taught himself to read at the age of three, and by…
Columba Columba 521-597 Irish missionary. Columba was born in Donegal, Ireland. Very little is known about his early life and education. He studied at Celtic schools, and in 551 was…
George Campbell Morgan George Campbell Morgan 1863-1945 G. Campbell Morgan was born in Tetbury, England, the son of a Baptist minister. His home was one of such genuine piety that…
John Elward Brown John Elward Brown 1879-1957 Evangelist, educator, broadcaster, and author. Dr. John E. Brown, founder of the university that bears his name, will be remembered throughout eternity as…