The Feather Imprints
The Feather Imprints The Feather Imprints on the London Specimen of Archaeopteryx by Gerald Duffett. (From: British Creation Science Earth Sciences Group) June 1985 Archaeoptryx is in the news again.…
The Reading Room
The Feather Imprints The Feather Imprints on the London Specimen of Archaeopteryx by Gerald Duffett. (From: British Creation Science Earth Sciences Group) June 1985 Archaeoptryx is in the news again.…
The Religion Of Evolution The Religion of Evolution Preface I wrote a file several months ago and uploaded it to a few BBSs. The paper dealt with numerous issues that…
What Is The Gap Theory WHAT IS THE GAP THEORY? by Ken Ham What about the Gap Theory? This is a question often asked at creation seminars.A good many wellmeaning,…
20 DEALING WITH DOUBTS F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 20 DEALING WITH DOUBTS PRAY Help me to learn what you want to teach me today,…
35 DON F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 35 DON'T BE ANXIOUS OR LIVING GOD'S WAY PRAY 'I praise you O Lord; teach me your ways'…
4 FROM ETERNITY INTO TIME F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 4 FROM ETERNITY INTO TIME PRAY Teach me something more about yourself today, almighty God.…
64 JESUS F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 64 JESUS' WORK CONTINUES PRAY Lord, please give me the joy that comes from your salvation (Psalm 51:12).…
79 GOD F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 79 GOD'S WAY PRAY Give me a fresh sense of your great love for me, heavenly Father. READ…
93 BEING SURE F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 93 BEING SURE PRAY Look at the description of God's love in Psalm 57:10. Give thanks for…
CHECKPOINT G Used with permission of Scripture Union, Adelaide South Australia. Copyright holder. Original edition (C) 1986. Designed for the Christian setting out to read the Bible for the first…