Q31 benefitcalledin t
Q31 benefitcalledin t 31 Q What benefits do they who are effectually called, partake of in this life? A They who are effectually called, do in this life partake of…
The Reading Room
Q31 benefitcalledin t 31 Q What benefits do they who are effectually called, partake of in this life? A They who are effectually called, do in this life partake of…
Q47 Which is the third command 47 Q Which is the third commandment? A The third commandment is, "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in…
Q61 What is the ninth commandm 61 Q Which is the ninth commandment? A The ninth commandment is, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour."
Q76 To whom is baptismadmin 76 Q To whom is Baptism to be administered? A Baptism is to be administered to all those who actually profess repentance towards God, #…
Sabbath Keeping There are two articles in this file on the subject of Sabbath Keeping. The first is by John MacArthur and while brief, gives important insights from this godly…
Spiritual Swordmanship Part 2 SPIRITUAL SWORDSMANSHIP or Defending Yourself against False Doctrines SECTION B BASIC INTERPRETIVE THRUST The easiest way to determine the AUTHOR'S intent in a passage is to…
The Context Of Christian Medita THE CONTEXT OF CHRISTIAN MEDITATION . What exactly does the Bible mean when it uses the word Meditation? . The expression "Meditation" is used by…
The Last Witness Are you ready for a friendly challenge? If you are then read on! A good witness testifies truly. Concerning God and salvation, the last Word, or the…
The Origin Of Satan 4 This information is copyrighted. You may use it, or reproduce it entirely. You may not alter the information out of its context. Attribution is required…
The Trinity Part 6 (continued) "Therefore, when we say that Jesus is both God and Man, we mean that He is both Father and Son. As the Father, He is…